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lavender showers

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Posted by EDITOR 28 Jan 2011 - 5:57:00 PM

There's something magical about plants with flowers held aloft on stems so fine they seem to hover, suspended in mid air. In spite of clunky botanical names, they invoke pretty and descriptive common names like fairy fishing rods (Dierama), butterfly bush (Gaura) and this one, Lavender Showers (Thalictrum delavayi).

The name seems to say it all except it doesn't even suggest how – when it's not flowering – clumps of its dainty leaves look like a enchanted dell of maidenhair fern.

The effect is all so delicate the plant can hardly support itself. It does tend to flop – further reason to mass plant so it can fill into itself. Not the sort of thing for a formal design but perfect for a cottage or woodland style – in a cool, moist and shady position.

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