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mauve carpet fan flower

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Posted by EDITOR 17 Jan 2011 - 6:09:00 PM

The common name says a lot about the Mauve Carpet Fan Flower. As a type of Scaevola albida, it’s not as upright or as short-lived as many other of these native groundcovers that have come onto the market in recent years. The leaves and the flowers like little outstretched hands are also built on a smaller scale. But the flowers are many and over a very long season.

Mauve over lush green foliage makes a quite a cool note which can be just the thing at this time of the year.

It makes a dense, weed-suppressing carpet but spreads to make more of a shag pile than a mat at up to about 15cm high. Or can be allowed to spill over a wall or out of a pot or hanging basket.

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