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dwarf plants

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Posted by UNKNOWN 23 Oct 2009 - 11:09:00 AM

The last time I moved to a new place I really didn't know what would grow there well, so I walked around a lot and took a few drives to get ideas. Almost everything that I found exciting was just too big for my tiny spot so I started with petunias.
I saw a huge plant that I loved near a highway and then spotted a tiny one in a front yard. At the nursery, I asked if they were possibly the same plant and discovered a world of dwarf and miniature plants, many of them hardier and more disease and pest resistant than the originals. I got a “tree� and two “shrubs� in pots.

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Johnson's Grevillea

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 4m W: 4m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to warm low sun

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Establishing good groundcover means that competing weeds are suppressed, soil erosion is slowed and more water gets into and stays in the ground.


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