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fast start your own seedlings and save $$

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Posted by PLANTS ON BINKS 2 Aug 2010 - 1:04:00 PM

use a polystyrene box with seed raising mix to get the seedlings off to a fast start, cover with posting bubble wrap and if possible set the boxes onto lawn clippings or horse, cow or chicken manure to create bottom heat. I have sliced the taller polystyrene boxes to a lower level then used the cut off top to create extra height that can be removed later or popped back on give extra protection if a frost is forcast. the bubble wrap gives great insulating properties and seedlings can be pricked out and planted into beds or put a few at a time into their own individual planting out boxes. If you are renting, the boxes are easily moved with you. If you are moving into a new house then this idea gets you a great start on the garden before you move in.

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