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worm farms

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Posted by FALZIESGARDEN 21 Apr 2010 - 9:03:00 AM

Hi Everybody, I just got my first worm farm.....I highly recommend getting one. Kids love them, Worm tea is awesome for my plants and veges and I love watching them thrive. If anyone has any tips on worm farms I would be most appreciated as I'm only a beginner.

Comments (3)

Re: CHERIE 28 Apr 2010 - 7:54:00 PM

Hi Im new to all this but saw your post and had to comment! We have just set up a worm farm as well! Ours has been running for a week now and the kids love it!! They fight over who gets to feed the worms!! Seriously thinking about getting another one!

Re: Re: EDITOR 11 May 2010 - 11:55:00 AM

After a few years with a worm farm, the flow from the tap reduced to a dribble. It turned out the bottom tray had filled with sludge. After some mucky dismantling, putting the sludge back up the top and reassembling all was well again.
That's the only thing I've considered a problem. The larvae (some are good), odd cockroach and red back don't bother me – better in than out.
The household doesn't produce a huge amount of scraps but the farm has never produced a harvest of solids. Only liquids. The fresh stuff disappears and sinks to the original compost level. The spare tray is still spare.
An impatient distribution of a worm juice backlog once proved that it is potent stuff and should be diluted – the recipient plants didn't appreciate it.

Re: Re: BOBKAT 10 Jun 2010 - 10:51:00 AM

I suggest you use very sparingly on aussie natives and, even then, more heavily diluted, about 1:20. And not at all on banksias - in our inexperience we managed to kill a beautiful banksia serrata even at 1:20. I have since learnt they don't even like organic mulch, so best leave them out at worm tea time. I hope your worm farms are thriving and the kids still enjoy it - if they're ever bored, suggest they start naming the worms.......

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