Garden Clubs

Brisbane Organic Growers Inc.
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Brisbane Organic Growers Inc. is a non profit organisation which encourages gardening organically on balconies and in backyards using organically acceptable fertilisers and pest controls. We care for the soil through composting, worm farming, mulching, re-using and recycling waste. By doing this we produce healthy plants that will resist disease and be safer for human consumption. We encourage the conservation and use of old varieties of vegetables, fruits, flowers and even chooks, ducks, pigs etc. Through meetings and presentations to our members and community groups we promote a sustainable way of living and give advice freely to all those who are interested. We offer members monthly meetings and newsletters (except January), guest speakers, access to our lending library, organic fertilisers, pest control and best of all lots of free advice and friendly faces. Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month (except January) at 102 McDonald Road, Windsor.

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Plant of the Day

Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Fast Facts

Walls and vertical surfaces present opportunities to add layers and depth to confined courtyard spaces with climbers on trellis or twining around posts.


Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is ideally suited as a lawn in many applications.

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