- Haageocereus versicolor
Cactus - Haastia pulvinaris
Vegetable Sheep - Haberlea rhodopensis
Resurrection Plant - Habranthus brachyandrus
Rain Lily - Habranthus robustus
Rain Lily - Hacquetia epipactis
Hacquetia - Haemanthus albiflos
Shaving Brush Plant - Haemanthus coccineus
Cape Tulip, Blood Flower - Haematoxylum brasiletto
Brazil Wood, Peach Wood - Haemodorum
Bloodroot - Hakea bakeriana
Baker's Hakea - Hakea bucculenta
Red Pokers - Hakea Burrendong Beauty
Burrendong Beauty Hakea - Hakea cinerea
Ashy Hakea - Hakea clavata
Coastal Hakea - Hakea constablei
Hakea - Hakea corymbosa
Cauliflower Hakea - Hakea cristata
Snail Hakea - Hakea cycloptera
Elm Seed Hakea - Hakea dactyloides
Broad Leaf Hakea - Hakea decurrens decurrens
Bushy Needle Wood - Hakea decurrens physocarpa Pink Lace
Pink Bushy Needlewood - Hakea drupacea
Sweet Hakea, Fork Leaf Hakea, Scented Hakea - Hakea elliptica
Oval Leaf Hakea - Hakea francisiana
Bottlebrush Hakea, Grass Leaf Hakea, Red Spike Hakea - Hakea gibbosa
Needle Bush, Hairy Hakea, Rock Hakea, Downy Hakea - Hakea grammatophylla
Mountain Hakea, MacDonnell Ranges Hakea - Hakea horrida
Hakea - Hakea invaginata
Hakea - Hakea laurina
Pincushion Hakea - Hakea lissocarpha
Honey Bush, Duck and Drake Hakea - Hakea lissosperma
Mountain Needle Bush, Stout Silky Hakea - Hakea lorea
Bootlace Oak, Cork Wood - Hakea macraeana
Willow Needlewood, Macrae's Hakea - Hakea microcarpa
Small Fruited Hakea - Hakea minyma
Hakea - Hakea multilineata
Grass Leaf Hakea - Hakea multilineata Winter Burgundy
Winter Burgundy Hakea - Hakea obtusa
Hakea - Hakea orthorrhyncha filiformis
Bird Hakea, Bird Beak Hakea - Hakea petiolaris
Sea Urchin Hakea - Hakea propinqua
Hakea - Hakea purpurea
Hakea - Hakea recurva
Hakea - Hakea rostrata
Beaked Hakea, Kidney Bush, Turkey Gobblers - Hakea salicifolia
Willow Leaf Hakea - Hakea scoparia
Kangaroo Bush, Broom Hakea - Hakea sericea
Silky Hakea, Needle Bush, Prickly Hakea, Needle Hakea - Hakea teretifolia
Dagger Hakea - Hakea varia
Variable Leaf Hakea - Hakea verrucosa
Lady of the Night, Warty Fruit Hakea - Hakea victoria
Royal Hakea - Hakonechloa macra Alboaurea
Golden Japanese Forest Grass - Hakonechloa macra All Gold
Golden Japanese Forest Grass, Japanese Temple Grass - Hakonechloa macra Aureola
Golden Japanese Forest Grass, Japanese Temple Grass - Halesia carolina
Carolina Silverbell - Halesia diptera
Two Wing Snowdrop Tree, Silverbell - Halesia monticola
Mountain Snowdrop Tree, Silverbell - Halfordia kendack
Saffron Heart, Kerosene Wood, Southern Ghittoe, Kendack - Halgania preissiana
Purple Haze - Halimiocistus
Rock Rose - Halimium atriplicifolium
Halimium - Halimium halimifolium
Yellow Sun Rose - Halimium lasianthum
Halimium - Halimium ocymoides
Halimium - Halimium umbellatum
Halimium - Halimodendron halodendron
Salt Tree - Halleria lucida
African Honeysuckle, Tree Fuchsia - Haloragodendron lucasii
Haloragodendron - Halosarcia
Samphire - Hamamelis intermedia
Hybrid Witch Hazel - Hamamelis intermedia Pallida
Hybrid Witch Hazel - Hamelia patens
Mexican Fire Bush, Scarlet Bush, Firecracker Bush - Handroanthus chrysanthus
Golden Trumpet Tree, Yellow Poui - Handroanthus chrysotrichus
Golden Trumpet Tree - Handroanthus heptaphyllus
Rosy Trumpet Tree, Pink Poui - Handroanthus impetiginosus
Pink Trumpet Tree - Handroanthus serratifolius
Yellow Poui - Haplopappus glutinosus
Haplopappus - Haplopappus macrocephalus
Haplopappus - Hardenbergia comptoniana
West Australian Sarsaparilla, Australian Lilac, Australian Wisteria - Hardenbergia comptoniana White Lace
White Lace West Australian Sarsaparilla, Australian Lilac, Australian Wisteria - Hardenbergia violacea
Purple Coral Pea, False Sarsaparilla, Australian Sarsaparilla, Australian Lilac, Happy Wanderer - Hardenbergia violacea Bushy Blue
Bushy Blue False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Carpet Royale
Carpet Royale False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Flat White
False Sarsaparilla Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Free 'n' Easy
Free 'n' Easy False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Happy Duo
Happy Duo False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Mini Ha Ha
Mini Ha Ha False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Pink Spray
Pink Spray False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Purple Spray
Purple Spray False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Regent
Regent False Sarsaparilla - Hardenbergia violacea Sweet Heart
Sweet Heart False Sarsaparilla - Harmogia densifolia
Baeckea - Harpephyllum caffrum
Kaffir Plum - Harpullia arborea
Tulipwood - Harpullia hillii
Blunt Leaf Tulip, Thick Leaf Tulip Wood, Soap Berry - Harpullia pendula
Tulipwood, Tulip Lancewood - Harrisia gracilis
Harrisia - Harrisia Jusbertii
Night-Blooming Cactus - Harrisia pomanensis
Midnight Lady, Apple Cactus - Hatiora epiphylloides
Hatiora - Hatiora gaertneri
Easter Cactus - Hatiora salicornioides
Drunkard's Dream, Dancing Bones - Haworthia arachnoidea
Cobweb Aloe - Haworthia attenuata
Hawthoria - Haworthia cymbiformis
Cathedral Window Hawthoria - Haworthia fasciata
Zebra Haworthia - Haworthia pumila
Pearl Plant - Haworthia reinwardtii
Zebra Wart - Haworthia venosa tessellata
Star Window Plant - Hebe albicans
Hebe - Hebe andersonii Andersonii Variegata
Variegated Hebe - Hebe Annie's Winter Wonder
Hebe - Hebe Autumn Glory
Autumn Glory Hebe - Hebe buchananii
Hebe - Hebe canterburiensis
Hebe - Hebe chathamica
Hebe - Hebe diosmifolia
Dwarf Hebe - Hebe Emerald Green
Emerald Green Hebe - Hebe epacridea
Hebe - Hebe First Light
First Light Hebe - Hebe franciscana Blue Gem
Blue Gem Hebe - Hebe franciscana Waireka
Hebe - Hebe Glaucophylla Variegata
Variegated Hebe - Hebe Inspiration
Inspiration Hebe - Hebe La Seduisante
La Seduisante Hebe - Hebe ochracea
Hebe - Hebe ochracea James Stirling
Winter Gold - Hebe odora
Boxwood Hebe, Box Leaf Veronica, Mountain Box - Hebe Pewter Dome
Pewter Dome Hebe - Hebe Pretty in Pink
Pretty in Pink Hebe - Hebe salicifolia
Willow Leaf Hebe, Koromiko - Hebe speciosa
Showy Hebe, Titirangi, Napuka - Hebe Wiri Cloud
Wiri Cloud Hebe - Hebe Wiri Joy
Wiri Joy Hebe - Hebe Wiri Mist
Wiri Mist Hebe - Hechtia argentea
Bromeliad - Hechtia marnier-lapostollei
False Agave - Hedera algeriensis
Algerian Ivy - Hedera algeriensis Gloire de Marengo
Variegated Algerian Ivy - Hedera canariensis
Canary Island Ivy, Madeira Ivy - Hedera helix
English Ivy - Hedera helix Amberwaves
Amberwaves English Ivy - Hedera helix Gilded Hawke
Gilded Hawke English Ivy - Hedera helix Glacier
Glacier English Ivy - Hedera helix Goldchild
Goldchild English Ivy - Hedera helix Golden Girl
Golden Girl English Ivy - Hedera helix Halebob
Halebob English Ivy - Hedera helix Heise
Heise English Ivy - Hedera helix Ivalace
Ivalace English Ivy - Hedera helix Lalla Rookh
Lalla Rookh English Ivy - Hedera helix Light Fingers
Light Fingers English Ivy - Hedera helix Little Diamond
Little Diamond English Ivy - Hedera helix Manda's Crested
Manda's Crested English Ivy - Hedera helix Melanie
Melanie English Ivy - Hedera helix Parsley Crested
Parsley Crested English Ivy - Hedera helix Spectre
Spectre English Ivy - Hedera helix Tripod
Tripod English Ivy - Hedera helix Yellow Ripple
Yellow Ripple English Ivy - Hedera pastuchovi Ann Ala
Ann Ala Ivy - Hedychium Champagne
Champagne Ginger - Hedychium coccineum
Scarlet Ginger Lily, Red Ginger Lily, Orange Bottlebrush Ginger - Hedychium coccineum Tara
Tara Ginger Lily - Hedychium coronarium
White Butterfly Ginger - Hedychium flavescens
Yellow Ginger - Hedychium flavum
Yellow Butterfly Ginger - Hedychium forrestii
Ginger Lily - Hedychium gardnerianum
Kahili Ginger, Yellow Ginger Lily - Hedychium greenii
Red Ginger Lily - Hedychium horsfieldii
Java Ginger - Hedychium Luna Moth
Luna Moth Ginger - Hedychium Mountain Cream
Mountain Cream Ginger - Hedychium Mountain Pink
Mountain Pink Ginger - Hedyotis michauxii
Creeping Bluet - Hedysarum coronarium
French Honeysuckle - Hedyscepe canterburyana
Umbrella Palm, Big Mountain Palm - Heimia salicifolia
Sun Opener, Willow Leaf Heimia, Elixir of the Sun, Sinicuichi - Helenium
Sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale
Sneezeweed, Helen's Flower, Dog Tooth Daisy - Helenium Fata Morgana
Fata Morgana Sneezeweed - Helenium Moerheim Beauty
Moerheim Beauty Sneezeweed - Helenium Sahin's Early Flowerer
Sahin's Early Sneezeweed - Helianthemum
Sun Rose - Helianthus angustifolius
Swamp Sunflower, Narrow Leaf Sunflower - Helianthus annuus
Sunflower - Helianthus annuus Moonwalker
Moonwalker Sunflower - Helianthus multiflorus
Perennial Sunflower - Helianthus tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke, Earth Apple, Sunflower Artichoke, Sunchoke - Helichrysum argyrophyllum
Golden Guinea Everlasting - Helichrysum aucheri
Yellow Everlasting Daisy - Helichrysum gossypinum
Cotton Plant, Yesquera - Helichrysum italicum
Curry Plant - Helichrysum italicum serotinum
Curry Plant - Helichrysum leucopsideum
Satin Everlasting - Helichrysum petiolare
Licorice Plant - Helichrysum petiolare Limelight
Limelight Licorice Plant - Helichrysum petiolare Variegatum
Variegated Licorice Plant - Helichrysum retortum
Sea Straw Flower - Helichrysum rutidolepis
Pale Everlasting - Helichrysum Silver Dome
Silver Dome Everlasting - Helichrysum Sulphur Light
Sulphur Light Everlasting - Helichrysum teretifolium
Dune Scrub Everlasting - Helicia glabrifolia
Pale Helicia, Pale Oak, Leather Oak, Brown Oak - Heliconia angusta Holiday
Red Christmas Heliconia, Red Holiday, Christmas Heliconia - Heliconia caribaea
Giant Heliconia, Lobster Claw, Wild Plantain - Heliconia chartacea Sexy Pink
Pink Flamingo, Sexy Pink Heliconia - Heliconia collinsiana
Red Hanging Heliconia - Heliconia Golden Torch
Golden Torch - Heliconia hirsuta
Heliconia - Heliconia Hot Rio Nights
Heliconia - Heliconia indica Spectabilis
Heliconia - Heliconia metallica
Shining Bird of Paradise - Heliconia nickeriensis
Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower, Nicky Spike - Heliconia psittacorum
Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower - Heliconia psittacorum Andromeda
Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower - Heliconia psittacorum Kathy
Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower - Heliconia psittacorum Lady Di
Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower - Heliconia rostrata
Lobster Claw, Parrot's Beak - Heliconia stricta Dwarf Jamaican
Heliconia - Helictotrichon decorum
Alpine Oat Grass - Helictotrichon pratense
Meadow Oat Grass, Blue Oat Grass - Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue Oat Grass - Heliocereus
Heliocereus - Heliophila coronopifolia
Wild Flax - Heliopsis helianthoides
Ox Eye Sunflower, False Sunflower, Smooth Ox Eye - Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotrope, Cherry Pie - Heliotropium arborescens Aureum
Golden Heliotrope, Cherry Pie - Heliotropium arborescens Marine
Marine Heliotrope, Cherry Pie - Heliotropium hybridum Lord Roberts
Heliotrope, Cherry Pie - Helleborus argutifolius
Corsican Hellebore, Holly Leaf Hellebore, Majorcan Hellebore, Christ Rose - Helleborus foetidus
Stinking Hellebore, Dung Wort, Bear's Foot Hellebore - Helleborus hybridus
Lenten Rose, Hellebore - Helleborus hybridus Blue Metallic Lady
Lenten Rose, Hellebore - Helleborus orientalis
Lenten Rose, Winter Rose, Hellebore - Helmholtzia acorifolia
Northern Stream Lily - Helmholtzia glaberrima
Stream Lily - Helonias bullata
Swamp Pink - Heloniopsis orientalis
Heloniopsis - Hemerocallis Lauren Leah
Lauren Leah Day Lily - Hemerocallis Little Wine Cup
Little Wine Cup Day Lily | - Hemerocallis Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor Day Lily - Hemerocallis Stella de Oro
Stella de Oro Day Lily - Hemiandra pungens
Snake Bush - Hemigenia purpurea
Common Hemigenia - Hemigraphis alternata
Red Flame Ivy - Hemigraphis alternata Exotica
Purple Waffle Plant - Hemigraphis bicolor
Hemigraphis - Hemigraphis repanda
Narrow Flame Leaf Ivy, Dragon's Tongue - Hemionitis arifolia
Heart Fern - Hepatica nobilis
Hepatica - Heptapleurum calyptratum
Mallett Flower - Heracleum sphondylium
Hog Weed, Meadow Parsnip, Cow Parsnip - Herbertia
Herbertia - Heritiera littoralis
Looking Glass Mangrove, Beach Tulip Oak, Red Mangrove, Tulip Mangrove, Coastal Heritiera - Hermodactylus tuberosus
Widow Iris, Snake's Head Iris - Hernandia bivalvis
Grease Nut, Queensland Jack-In-A-Box, Cudgerie, Shitwood - Hernandia moerenhoutiana campanulata
Mountain Lantern Tree - Hertia cheirifolia
Barbary Ragwort - Hesperaloe parviflora
Red Flower False Yucca, Red Yucca - Hesperantha
Hesperantha - Hesperantha coccinea
Crimson Flag, Kaffir Lily - Hesperantha coccinea Sunrise
Pink Crimson Flag, Kaffir Lily - Hesperis matronalis
Dame's Violet, Sweet Rocket - Hesperocallis undulata
Desert Lily - Hesperoyucca whipplei
Chaparral Yucca, Spanish Bayonet, Our Lord's Candle - Hesperozygis myrtoides Sunminpa
Mintia - Heterocentron elegans
Spanish Shawl, Trailing Lasiandra - Heteropogon contortus
Black Spear Grass, Tangle Head - Heterotheca mariana
Maryland Golden Aster - Heterotheca villosa
False Golden Aster, Hairy Golden Aster - Heuchera Caramel
Caramel Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Chocolate Ruffles
Chocolate Ruffles Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Citronelle
Citronelle Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera cylindrica
Round Leaf Alum Root, Mat Alum Root, Poker Heuchera - Heuchera cylindrica Hyperion
Round Leaf Alum Root, Mat Alum Root, Poker Heuchera - Heuchera Lime Rickey
Lime Rickey Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Mahogany
Mahogany Coral Flower - Heuchera Marmalade
Marmalade Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera micrantha
Crevice Alum Root - Heuchera Obsidian
Obsidian Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Paris
Paris Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Pinot Gris
Pinot Gris Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Plum Pudding
Plum Pudding Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera sanguinea
Coral Bells, Alum Root - Heuchera Silver Scrolls
Silver Scrolls Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera Tiramisu
Tiramisu Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heuchera villosa Palace Purple
Palace Purple Alum Root, Coral Flower - Heucherella Sunspot
Sunspot Coral Flower - Heucherella tiarelloides
Foamy Bells - Hibbertia aspera
Rough Guinea Flower - Hibbertia bracteata
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia cistiflora
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia cistoidea
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia cuneiformis
Cut Leaf Guinea Flower - Hibbertia cunninghamii
Golden Guinea Flower - Hibbertia dentata
Trailing Guinea Flower - Hibbertia diffusa
Wedge Guinea Flower - Hibbertia empetrifolia
Trailing Guinea Flower - Hibbertia fasciculata
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia kaputarensis
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia linearis
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia obtusifolia
Hoary Guinea Flower - Hibbertia obtusifolia Sunny Daze
Hoary Guinea Flower - Hibbertia pedunculata
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia riparia
Erect Guinea Flower - Hibbertia saligna
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia scandens
Climbing Guinea Flower, Snake Vine - Hibbertia sericea
Silky Guinea Flower - Hibbertia serpyllifolia
Guinea Flower - Hibbertia stellaris
Orange Stars, Star Guinea Flower - Hibbertia truncata
Port Campbell Guinea Flower - Hibbertia vestita
Hairy Guinea Flower - Hibiscus acetosella Coppertone
Red Leaf Hibiscus - Hibiscus arnottianus
White Rose Mallow, Hawaiian White Hibiscus - Hibiscus brackenridgei mokuleianus
Hawaiian Hibiscus, Mokulei Rose Mallow, Brackenridge's Rose Mallow - Hibiscus cannabinus
Kenaf, Hemp Mallow, Indian Brown Hemp, Deccan Hemp, Java Jute - Hibiscus coccineus
Scarlet Rose Mallow, Red Swamp Mallow, Red Star of Texas, Swamp Hibiscus, Marsh Mallow - Hibiscus heterophyllus
Australian Rosella - Hibiscus insularis
Phillip Island Hibiscus - Hibiscus moscheutos
Swamp Rose Mallow, Swamp Hibiscus, Crimson Eyed Rose Mallow - Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton Rose, Rose of Sharon, Dixie Rose Mallow, Confederate Rose - Hibiscus mutabilis Plena
Cotton Rose, Rose of Sharon, Dixie Rose Mallow, Confederate Rose - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese Hibiscus - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Cooperi
Variegated Hibiscus - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Snow Queen
Variegated Hibiscus - Hibiscus sabdariffa
Rosella, Roselle, Jamaica Sorrel, Red Sorrel - Hibiscus schizopetalus
Fringed Rose Mallow, Japanese Lantern - Hibiscus splendens
Hollyhock Shrub, Pink Hibiscus, Pink Hollyhock Tree - Hibiscus syriacus
Syrian Rose, Rose of Sharon - Hibiscus trionum
Flower of an Hour, Bladder Ketmia, Bladder Hibiscus, Venice Mallow - Hieracium umbellatum
Leafy Hawk Weed - Hierochloe odorata
Sweet Grass, Holy Grass, Vanilla Grass, Buffalo Grass, Seneca Grass - Himalayacalamus falconeri
Fountain Bamboo - Himalayacalamus falconeri Damarapa
Candy Cane Bamboo - Hippeastrum
Hippeastrum - Hippeastrum reticulatum striatifolium
Stripe Leaf Hippeastrum - Hippeastrum striatum
Barbados Lily - Hippobroma longiflora
Star of Bethlehem, Star Flower, Madam Fate, Shrub Hare Bell - Hippocrepis comosa
Horseshoe Vetch - Hippocrepis emerus
Scorpion Senna, Pale Crown Vetch - Histiopteris incisa
Bat's Wing Fern - Hodgkinsonia frutescens
Atherton Turkey Bush - Hohenbergia correia-araujoi
Bromeliad - Hohenbergiopsis guatamalensis
Bromeliad - Hoheria angustifolia
Narrow Leaf Lacebark - Hoheria glabrata
Mountain Ribbonwood - Hoheria lyallii
Mountain Ribbonwood - Hoheria populnea
Lacebark, Houhere - Hoheria sexstylosa
Long Leaf Lacebark, Ribbonwood - Holcus mollis Albovariegatus
Variegated Creeping Velvet Grass - Holmskioldia sanguinea
Chinese Hat Plant, Mandarin's Hat, Cup and Saucer Plant - Holodiscus discolor
Ocean Spray - Homalanthus populifolius
Bleeding Heart, Queensland Poplar - Homalocladium platycladum
Ribbon Bush, Centipede Plant, Tapeworm Plant - Homalomena rubescens
Homalomena - Homoranthus darwinioides
Homoranthus - Homoranthus flavescens
Homoranthus - Homoranthus prolixis
Granite Homoranthus, Barraba Heath Myrtle - Hoodia bainii
Hoodia - Hordeum jubatum
Squirrel Tail Grass, Foxtail Barley - Hordeum murinum
Wall Barley, Wild Barley, Barley Grass, Mouse Barley - Horminum pyrenaicum
Pyrenean Dead Nettle, Dragon's Mouth - Hosta Blue Cadet
Plantain Lily - Hosta Fortunei
Plantain Lily - Hosta Fortunei Aureomarginata
Variegated Plantain Lily - Hosta Francee
Plantain Lily - Hosta Frances Williams
Frances Williams Plantain Lily - Hosta Gold Standard
Plantain Lily - Hosta Halcyon
Plantain Lily - Hosta sieboldiana
Plantain Lily - Hosta sieboldiana Elegans Alba
Plantain Lily - Hosta sieboldiana elegans Elegans
Plantain Lily - Hosta sieboldii
Plantain Lily - Hosta undulata erromena
Plantain Lily - Hosta ventricosa
Blue Plantain Lily - Hottonia inflata
American Featherfoil - Hottonia palustris
Water Violet - Houttuynia cordata
Heart Leaf Houttuynia, Bishop's Weed - Houttuynia cordata Chameleon
Chameleon Plant, Rainbow Plant - Houttuynia cordata Flore Pleno
Double Heart Leaf Houttuynia, Bishop's Weed - Hovea acutifolia
Northern Hovea, Pointed Leaf Hovea - Hovea chorizemifolia
Holly Leaf Hovea - Hovea elliptica
Tree Hovea, Karri Blue Bush - Hovea lanceolata
Lance Leaf Hovea - Hovea linearis
Narrow Leaf Hovea - Hovea longifolia
Long Leaf Hovea, Rusty Pod - Hovea lorata
Hovea - Hovea purpurea
Velvet Hovea - Hovea rosmarinifolia
Rosemary Hovea, Mountain Beauty - Hovea similis
Hovea - Hovenia dulcis
Raisin Tree - Howea belmoreana
Sentry Palm, Curly Palm - Howea forsteriana
Kentia Palm, Sentry Palm - Howittia trilocularis
Howittia - Hoya carnosa
Wax Flower, Porcelain Flower - Hoya carnosa Compacta
Indian Rope, Hindu Rope, Angel Rope - Hoya carnosa Exotica
Wax Flower - Hoya carnosa Picta
Wax Flower - Hoya imperialis
Wax Flower - Hoya linearis
Wax Flower - Hoya macgillivrayi
Wax Flower - Hoya polyneura
Fishtail Hoya, Wax Flower - Huernia
Huernia - Huernia thuretii
Huernia - Humata tyermannii
White Rabbit's Foot Fern, Bear's Foot Fern - Humulus japonicus Variegatus
Variegated Hop - Humulus lupulus
Hop, Wild Hop, Hop Bine - Humulus lupulus Aureus
Golden Hop - Hunnemannia fumariifolia
Mexican Tulip Poppy - Huperzia phlegmaria
Club Moss - Huperzia squarrosa
Rock Tassel Fern, Water Tassel Fern - Hyacinthella
Hyacinthella - Hyacinthoides hispanica
Spanish Bluebell, Spanish Squill - Hyacinthus orientalis
Hyacinth - Hybanthus floribundus adpressus
Shrub Violet - Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle
Smooth Hydrangea, Sevenbark, Arborescent Hydrangea - Hydrangea aspera
Rough Leaf Hydrangea - Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group
Rough Leaf Hydrangea - Hydrangea heteromalla
Himalayan Hydrangea - Hydrangea heteromalla Bretschneideri Group
Himalayan Hydrangea - Hydrangea hydrangeoides
Japanese Hydrangea Vine - Hydrangea macrophylla
Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata
Panicled Hydrangea, Peegee Hydrangea - Hydrangea petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea - Hydrangea quercifolia
Oak Leaf Hydrangea - Hydrangea sargentiana
Sargent Hydrangea - Hydrangea serrata Diadem
Saw Tooth Hydrangea, Mountain Hydrangea - Hydrangea serrata Tiara
Saw Tooth Hydrangea, Mountain Hydrangea - Hydrangea strigosa
Large Leaf Scabrous Hydrangea - Hydrangea xanthoneura
Hydrangea - Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Frogbit - Hydrocleys nymphoides
Water Poppy - Hydrocotyle americana
Pennywort - Hydrocotyle bonariensis
Coast Pennywort, Large Leaf Pennywort, American Pennywort, Dollar Weed - Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Marsh Pennywort, Water Pennywort - Hygrophila difformis
Water Wisteria - Hylomecon japonica
Japanese Poppy - Hylotelephium spectabile Iceberg
White Showy Stonecrop, Ice Plant - Hylotelephium telephium Munstead Dark Red
Orpine - Hymenocallis caribaea
Spider Lily - Hymenocallis macrostephana
Spider Lily - Hymenocallis speciosa
Spider Lily, White Spice, Winter Spice - Hymenosporum flavum
Australian Frangipani, Wollum Wollum - Hymenosporum flavum Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget Australian Frangipani - Hyophorbe lagenicaulis
Bottle Palm, Pig Nut Palm - Hyophorbe verschaffeltii
Spindle Palm - Hyoscyamus niger
Black Henbane - Hypericum androsaemum
Tutsan - Hypericum androsaemum Albury Purple
Tutsan - Hypericum bellum
St John's Wort - Hypericum calycinum
Aaron's Beard, Large Flowered St John's Wort, Rose of Sharon - Hypericum cerastoides
Hypericum - Hypericum elodes
Marsh Hypericum - Hypericum gramineum
Grassy St John's Wort, Small St John's Wort - Hypericum Hidcote
St John's Wort - Hypericum kamtschaticum
St John's Wort - Hypericum kouytchense
Large Flowered St John's Wort - Hypericum maculatum
Imperforate St John's Wort - Hypericum olympicum
Hypericum - Hypericum olympicum uniflorum Citrinum
Lemon St John's Wort - Hypericum pseudohenryi
Irish Tutsan, St John's Wort - Hyphaene coriacea
Doum Palm, Dwarf Elala Palm - Hyphaene thebaica
Gingerbread Palm, Doum Nut, Vegetable Ivory Palm - Hypocalymma angustifolium
White Myrtle - Hypocalymma cordifolium
Hypocalymma - Hypocalymma cordifolium Golden Veil
Hypocalymma - Hypoestes aristata
Ribbon Bush - Hypoestes phyllostachya
Polka Dot Plant, Freckle Face - Hypolaena fastigiata
Tassel Rope Rush - Hypolepis muelleri
Harsh Ground Fern, Swamp Bracken - Hypolytrum nemorum
Dwarf Pandan Sedge, Wooded Hypolytrum - Hypoxis baurii
Red Star, Rosy Posy - Hypoxis hemerocallidea
African Star Grass, African Potato - Hypoxis hygrometrica
Golden Star, Golden Weather Glass - Hypoxis milloides
Hypoxis - Hypsela reniformis
Hypsela - Hyptis emoryi
Desert Lavender - Hyssopus officinalis